Here’s the best thing I got from the Nourished Detox.
I understood what it meant to feed myself in a whole new way.
Despite eating well most of the time, it was the energy I was failing to bring to cooking, preparing and eating that was leaving me feeling less than nourished. We are all busy, right?! BUT… we do still have a choice to make feeding ourselves a priority. During the Nourished Detox, I used the recipe guide and calendar to get excited about shopping and preparing my food. I turned my kitchen into a creative space, lit a few candles and filled the room with music and podcasts as I cooked. I took more time to eat my food (something I constantly have to remind myself to do) and so I brought more intention into what and how I fed myself.
Each week in TND gathering we learned about our bodies, highlighting some exciting things about our digestive and immune systems. (FUN FACT: 4 pounds of your body weight comes from the 100 trillion bacteria in your large intestine!) We explored simple and powerful self care practices and we shared our success stories and challenges. It felt really good to know that my challenges were pretty much the same challenges that everyone else was facing. It became easier to stick with the program knowing we were all in it together. We left each week with the tools to feel nourished, inspiration to keep on and even a little culinary gift to take home and enjoy that week.
Also the food was AMAZING!
Keep reading, I’ve included a sweet and simple recipe below.
Here’s another thing I learned through TND; that shaking up your habits and changing your routine is much easier and much more fun when you do it with a community. Checking in with Lara and Kathrin and the fellow detoxers made the experience one of relationship and support and laughter! Our friends and community can really help to keep us accountable and inspired when trying to create healthy new habits. If you want to join this community and explore new recipes and healthy ways to truly feed yourself, another round of The Nourished Detox will be starting on April 23 at Octopus Garden Yoga Centre. What a refreshing way to step into spring!
easy peasy & nourishing banana chia pancakes
yes, you can eat pancakes on a detox
Combine ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Heat oil in a frying pan. Spoon batter onto pan into small-sized pancakes (makes 2-3). Serve with berries and a touch of maple syrup.
Best served on a self care Sunday with friends and family or with some quiet time and a favourite book.
Eat slow and enjoy.
Meet your guides
Kathrin is a Toronto-based nutritionist and yoga teacher. She has a passion for holistic living and is a super-avid DIYer who has created several lines of natural body care products and is a nutrition expert and recipe developer for Clean Eating Magazine and Tuja Wellness. Kathrin teaches at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition and has a private practice that offers nutrition counselling, as well as a variety of workshops, corporate talks and yoga classes. Visit her website at For the Love of Body.
Lara is a naturopathic doctor in Toronto, Canada. She practices individual medicine and believes that food and lifestyle are the foundation for thriving. Lara enjoys working with people to give them the tools to heal in their own unique way and find resilience through the different stages of their lives. She has a busy practice helping patients with their fertility, immune, hormonal and digestive health, and perinatal care. She is a mom of two boys (and a puppy) and is a singer and appreciator of art and music.